Leave a Legacy
A gift to Khandel light in your Will is an investment in the future of an entire community in Rajasthan.
We are able to do more in Khandel than ever before, and as we move into the future our support will become even more essential. Any gift, however small, will give our partners in Khandel - their families and children – choices about their futures.
To find out more about how leaving a legacy can improve the lives of those in rural Rajasthan, read Peter's letter here.
Your Will
Every adult should have a Will, whatever their age, wealth, or income. Not making a Will causes legal complications for your loved ones at a particularly difficult time. Your will is your way of ensuring your wishes are met after your death.
In making a Will, your first priority will be your family and loved ones. If you do not have a Will, having one written is very straightforward. If you already have a Will, changing it to benefit Khandel light is very easy.
It is usually advisable to use a solicitor to write your will. During November participating solicitors will write a will free of charge in exchange for a donation to Will Aid.
For more information about Will Writers – go to the Institute of Professional Will Writers.
Your Gift
Khandel light is a volunteer run charity – that’s why we need your support. Khandel light relies on members of the public – supporters like you.
Gifts to charities in Wills – usually referred to as legacies – don’t need to be large. Every legacy makes a difference. Even 1% (ensuring your family inherits 99% of your estate) or a modest sum of money will make a real difference.
Inheritance Tax
Leaving a gift to a charity such as Khandel light can lower the amount of inheritance tax payable on your estate. For more information go to Gov.UK.
How we will use your donation
Gifts left in Wills help in many of ways. We promise to use your gift sensibly and thoughtfully.
Our funds support the distribution of clean water, health and literacy support, education for all, and increasingly - in supporting the independence of young women. Your gift will support all these
Our mission
We work to improve the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged families in Khandel and its surrounding villages situated in the desert State of Rajasthan, India.
100 students per year are offered Educational Bursaries. Of these 90 will be students who are orphans, from poor families, or those with parents with a disability.